18 January 2012

TEAPot treat

I am a massive vintage fan. Nothing makes me happier than finding that vintage piece (Usually 80s/ 90s inspired) stuffed behind the back of a rail that everyone else has overlooked and I know I have the PERFECT scarf/necklace/belt/anything to go with it.. And usually all at a bargain price.

I get the same feeling finding something on eBay in my saved search of 99p-£1.99. (I know what you're thinking.. £1.99 is getting pretty pricey!?)

I was always a bit dubious about online vintage stores. I just wasn't sure if you'd be able to find that piece that everyone else has overlooked. And if you did, it would be at a price..

One site that you do feel like you're having a good rummage through the rails is Teapot Vintage. It's a really simple to use site with new items being added more than once a week and at some bargain prices. My favourite thing about Teapot Vintage? Their models.. They actually smile. You know, like normals? Some of my favourite bits..

Find this western inspired shirt* here for only £12..

Oh, I waaaaant.. Find them here for £25. If I hadn't tried to squeeze my feet into a size too small for me before (..they're a size 4) I'd be doing exactly that with these bad boys..

 So cute AND in my preferred colours at the moment. (Black, yeah?) Find it here for only £12

Not as smiley, but definitely worth a look at the men's section. Find this fetching knitwear here for £10 (Bargain!)

Teapot Vintage don't have a shop, but if you're around the Manchester area they'll be attending the Vintage Fair in the Central Methodist Hall on Oldham Street, February 4th. Check out the blog section on the Teapot Vintage page for more details..**

Anyone else have any online vintage recommendations? What do you think of Teapot Vintage?

*Imagine that shirt with collar tips like these.
**No, I don't work for Teapot Vintage or know anyone who does. I just really like their online shop!


  1. Oh thankyou for sharing! I've not come across a website thats priced well, I have my eye on a skirt now :)

  2. Teapot Vintage look so nice! I'm going to take a look :)
    hahah yeah the mens section is really no where near as smiley!


  3. Lovely looks!

    Kisses Anne

  4. Teapot Vintage looks great. Thanks for sharing it. X

  5. Love that shirt - What a bargain! x

  6. this looks amazing! i really like those boots! :) xoxo

  7. I awarded you a cute blog award


  8. The western inspired shirt is absolutely perfection, I adore it <3

  9. I love these outfits but the boots are amazing :) cute post xx poppymale.blogspot.com

  10. Oooh my I love your shirt! :) Hello, Im a new follower!

    Stacie xo
    Curious Damsel

  11. Ooh i love vintage stuff, but am never sure about buying it over the internet in case it doesn't fit right!
    The boots look awesome though :)


  12. I love vintage stuff, that mens jumper in the last picture is very cool!




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