10 February 2013

Pierrelecat and the guest blogging..

Fancy a bit of Sunday reading? After writing this post one of my favourite bloggers got in touch and asked if I could have a go at writing a guest post for her blog Lunacy of Ink.. Eeep!

And it's not my usual fashion type post either.. It's about my little known love for the elderly!

So if you fancy finding out why I love old people, read all about it here.. And make sure you read Amy's guest blog post too, who blogs over at (A)My Space!

Share the blog love, people.. Have you guest blogged before? Which blogs are you enjoying reading at the moment?


  1. that picture gave me a right giggle. i want one of those, do I have to be elderly to get it!?

    i'm going through a massive blog hop at the mo, so many interesting blogs out there xx


  2. I just laughed out loud reading that. I love old people! I work in a soft furnishings shop and we get lots of old ladies coming in for their habedashery and they always make my day!
    Ellie xo
    P.S thank you for stopping by my blog, and for being my first ever comment! ;) exciting!

  3. I am a massive fan of old people too, mainly for their stories! Lovely.



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