21 October 2013

Spotlight on: Sacrum jewellery..

Not a week goes by without finding an email in by inbox from a PR company that haven't taken the time to read my blog. They do however send a press release that they think I'd be 'really interested' in featuring on Pierrelecat. Sure, sometimes I do them the courtesy of clicking their links and often reply to say thanks but no thanks. Usually, that's the last I hear of them. Wow, I love manners.

Every so often I find a similar email from someone who's actually read Pierrelecat and really do have something pretty interesting to say. This happened to me last week when Marcus Aitken, an artist and designer from London, got in touch about his recently launched jewellery line.

After writing my blog about science inspired jewellery and instagramming the hell out of my bird skull necklace, it'll be no surprise to see why Sacrum is my kind of jewellery.

Sacrum Elevate Mink Vertebrae Necklace

Ok, so what is it that you're looking at exactly? Well Sacrum is the name of the large triangluar bone at the base of the spine. It is also believed to be where the soul resides.

 Ok, so I'm not spiritual or superstitious or anything like that.. But I love that this piece symbolises strength and I definitely agree that this has an organic elegance to it. Describing someone as spineless is to imply that they don't stand up for their beliefes. Celebrating the backbone is like celebrating inner confidence. I'm totally on board with that.

Sacrum Resurgence Statement Necklace

After growing up in Portugal, Sacrum jewellery designer Marcus came over to the UK where he pursued his passion for fine art. And guess what? Despite just launcing his jewellery line, this all over creative type even had a few spare moments to answer a some of my questions.. Happy blogger.

What exactly was your inspiration for Sacrum?
I actually never intended to start a jewellery company. I wanted to make something original for my girlfriends birthday so went about making the first piece (which was then a real bone painted). Luckily she loved it and got a lot of praise from her friends. It got me thinking and it was the start of my journey into Sacrum. The idea is essentially an extension of some of my final year work at uni which was a series of sculptures based around the human and non human form.

Now you've launched Sacrum, what are your future plans?
I am excited about exploring more organic forms with natural balance, harmony and properties of strength. We do not experience enough balance in our lives, often as a result of globalization. To create these expressions of harmony through jewellery as pleasant reminders of our inner strengths and links to nature is something I want to progress and promote.

Sacrum Resurgence Statement Necklace
Just YES, right?

You can keep up with Marcus and the Sacrum journey on the Facebook page. (And husband, if you're reading this.. The silver one is officially on my Christmas list.)

You can probably guess, this wasn't a sponsored post and I didn't receive any gifts. In my opinion, passion and originality is worth shouting about for free.


  1. These are gorgeous! I love the symbolism too, might be investigating these myself!


  2. So intriguing the symbolism inspired jewelry..so lovely!
    Do visit my blog & if you like, follow me on GFC, Bloglovin,Twitter & Facebook, leave a comment & I'll surely follow back! Have a lovely day!

    Feisty Fox Diaries

  3. What a fab concept! I love the idea of it all :)

    Love Zoe x

  4. Such beautifully delicate pieces! Thanks for sharing :)


    Sade XO

  5. Nice share! Thanks a lot for such a lovely blog posting this time around as well.
    skull accessories



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